
Lawo Home Apps - NAB 2023

Home Apps, four applications aimed at extending the Lawo IP ecosystem to provide greater flexibility in the operational needs of media infrastructures, will be Lawo’s major focus for NAB 2023.

Lawo Home Apps - NAB 2023Home Apps is Lawo’s big bet for NAB 2023. The company’s engineering team has designed what it has defined as a “new technology platform” to harness the “full potential of IP technology”. A fully scalable solution, it can work with CPUs or CPUs + GPUs whether on-premises, off-premises or in the public cloud, in compressed or uncompressed formats.

Lawo Home Apps - NAB 2023Lawo’s suite of applications, which will grow over the months, starts with four applications that are fully configurable from the Home app: Home Multiviewer, Home UDX Conversion with HDR processing, Home Stream Transcode,Home Graphic Inserter. Deployable in “a matter of seconds”, as shared by Andreas Hilmer (chief marketing officer), Axel Kern (senior director of cloud solutions and infrastructure) and Henry Bourne (senior director of experience and design), all of these new features aim to deliver the flexibility that was initially promised by the IP and which, to date, has yet to be realised.

Lawo Home Apps - NAB 2023Lawo’s announcement, which can be discovered in depth at NAB 2023, was complemented by the Lawo Flex model, introduced by Jamie Dunn, Lawo’s CCO. This “commercial innovation” is a subscription that provides access to all of the brand’s current and future functionality. According to Hilmer, Lawo Flex allows the initial software investment to be reduced and the power of the system to be scaled to cope with times of high production demand.

Lawo Flex comes with a management and configuration tool that will allow users to maintain control of their subscription, thus “enabling the true potential of an infrastructure”.


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• 4 Apr, 2023
•部分: 我是学生, 媒体管理, 知识产权