
Vizrt Live Production 2021

维兹特 Live Production, the solution that brings together the Viz Vectar Plus, Engine, Trio and Mosart products, enters a new stage by betting on the cloud.

Vizrt Live Production is a complete production tool that bets on a cloud-first format and is able to meet the needs of different environments: from traditional programming to live event broadcasting. It does so through the use of Viz Nectar Plus, Viz Engine, Viz Trio Viz Mosart, applications that address fields such as switching, real-time graphics, video and automation.

Vizrt Live Production bases its cloud power on cloud data centers from providers such as AWS, AzureGoogle, although users can deploy the tool locally or in a hybrid format. The solution comes with flexible annual or monthly plans, bringing scalability to your workflows.

Native NDI 5

As it could not be otherwise (since NDI belongs to the Vizrt Group), Vizrt Live Production becomes the first production system to take advantage of the recently announced NDI version 5. In this area we include connectivity across WANs and LANs, running on-site and in the cloud in the same sync; audio over IP integration with digital audio systems; and the ability to enable any camera with a browser as a source, regardless of location.

Petter Ole Jakobsen, co-founder and chief innovation officer at Vizrt, sees Live Production as adapting to the changing reality of the industry: “As broadcasters needs rapidly evolve – and as content is increasingly in the cloud – the cloudification of production tools is becoming essential. We made Live Production in the cloud a reality to increase flexibility and reduce risk at the same time.”

His colleague Niels Borg, senior product manager for Vizrt automation and mixers, exemplifies the power of the system: “With Vizrt Live Production, (…) the producer monitors the production from a hotel in New York, the technical director operates production automation or switcher from an office in Atlanta, while the graphics artist delivers stunning Vizrt graphics from their living room in Los Angeles.”


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• 10 Jun, 2021
•部分: 自动化, 排放, 媒体管理, 图形, 知识产权