
The new DSX LE5 LP 12G, the latest low-profile multichannel card from 矩阵, is now available. It comes accompanied by a complete SDK.

DSX LE5 LP 12G card provides four independently reconfigurable inputs or four independently reconfigurable outputs, all in 12G-SDI or a combination of 12G/3G/HD-SDI. This SDI I/O versatility enables support for popular and emerging resolution formats: 12G-SDI, quad-HD-SDI or quad-sample interleave 3G-SDI for 4K/超高清 content or quad 12G-SDI for 8K/UHD2 video.

新的 矩阵 boards integrate features such as frame synchronization or downscaling for input preview.

SDK Kit, supporting the industry

DSX LE5 LP 12G is designed so that, in combination with the Matrox SDK, broadcast equipment manufacturers can build systems for HD, 4K/UHD and 8K/UHD2 broadcast workflows.

With a unified architecture that is common to all Matrox SDI I/O cards, ST 2110 NICs, and H.264 codecs, the DSX SDK supports key features such as file read/write, memory management, and a range of file formats, codecs, and effects. A prototyping tool is also available to quickly simulate and test use cases.

Francesco Scartozzi, vice president of sales and business development, Broadcast and Media Group at Matrox Video, assesses the launch, “The Matrox DSX LE5 LP 12G card is the missing link when it comes to building solutions for the industry’s quad-SDI I/O sweet spot. With zero compromise made on the I/O, the DSX LE5 LP 12G is the most versatile low-profile platform, offering every SDI I/O permutation and resolution support for HD, 4K, and 8K SDI applications.”


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经过 • 14 May, 2021
• 部分: 学习, 媒体管理, 超高清电视