
Mo-Sys software

Cinematic XR Focus is the solution developed by 莫系统 to allow the seamlessly use of focus between real objects in the foreground and LED walls in virtual productions.

Cinematographers who needed to pull focus between real foreground objects – such as actors – and virtual objects displayed on an LED wall – such as a car – have been unable to do this as the lens focal plane stops at the LED wall, meaning the car always remains out of focus. Now, with 影院级 XR 对焦 from 莫系统, Focus Pullers using the same wireless lens control system they’re used to, can pull focus from real objects through the LED wall to focus on virtual objects that appear to be positioned behind the LED wall. The reverse focus pull is also possible.

Cinematic XR Focus is an option for Mo-Sys’ virtual production software VP Pro working with Mo-Sys’ StarTracker camera tracking technology. Cinematic XR Focus synchronises the lens controller with the output of the 虚幻引擎 graphics, relying on StarTracker to constantly track the distance between the camera and the LED wall. The solution is available from Mo-Sys and is compatible with 普雷斯顿 wireless lens controllers (Hand Unit 3MDR-3)。

New possibilities

Michael Geissler, CEO of Mo-Sys, talks about the new development: “Production companies have excitedly embraced virtual production and on-set finishing using LED volumes. The ability to create any internal or external set background or set extension with an LED volume, has truly changed the dynamics of film making. But there have been limitations. Pulling focus – a fundamental part of the grammar of movies, to direct the audience’s attention to different parts of the screen – has been difficult. The Cinematic XR Focus software add-on transforms the possibilities, allowing Cinematographers to freely realise their creative ambitions.”


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经过 • 23 Apr, 2021
• 部分: 集水, 电影, 电影/技术, 学习