
‘All Things Considered’ hosts a well-known musical group in-studio, which plays live-to-air from the popular morning news program’s home studios in NPR’s Washington

It’s become an anticipated event: each year, All Things Considered hosts a well-known musical group in-studio, which plays live-to-air from the popular morning news program’s home studios in NPR’s Washington, D.C. headquarters.

But this year’s guest performers were bigger than most which have graced that facility: on February 27th, 2017, the 70-plus members of the U.S. capitol’s National Symphony Orchestra entered NPR Studio 1 to perform the show’s instrumental interludes, featuring pieces from Mozart and Elgar, among others.

The entire performance was mixed using NPR’s 他们的 mc266 audio production console, installed as part of a total systems project which also encompasses three broadcast studios, 10 production suites, six production booths, and the technical operations center. In addition to the MC2 console in Studio 1, Lawo sapphire and crystal radio mixing consoles are used throughout the facility, networked via a MADI-based routing matrix controlled by dual-redundant Lawo Nova73 audio routing systems.

Lawo has a full line of AES67-compliant control surfaces, including sapphire, sapphire compact and crystal mixing surfaces, crystal CLEAR and RƎLAY Virtual Radio Mixers. A number of prominent North American broadcasters, including NPR, NBC, CBC, Comcast, Fox, and MTV, have installed Lawo systems.


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经过 • 27 Mar, 2017
• 部分: 声音的