Amazon Studios inaugurates virtual production studio powered by AWS7 diciembre 2022 [+] Amazon’s new production arm, Amazon Studios Virtual Production (ASVP), has unveiled its new Stage 15 virtual production studio, which harnesses the power of AWS ...
Prime Video’s ‘The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’ comes to life with Blackmagic’s URSA Mini Pro 12K14 junio 2022 [+] The Blackmagic URSA Mini Pro 12K camera has been used to shoot the visual effects sequences for the fourth season of The Marvelous Mrs. ...
Dejero, instrumental in the production of ‘The Wheel of Time’ launch event (Amazon Prime Video)15 diciembre 2021 [+] The promotional event for The Wheel of Time (Amazon Prime Video) reached Italian viewers thanks to the Dejero EnGo mobile transmitters and GateWay network ...
Amazon may be close to buying MGM for US$9 billion19 mayo 2021 [+] As confirmed by several industry players to the U.S. media Variety, Amazon is currently negotiating the purchase of the historic MGM. The deal, which ...
Jeremy Benning (CSC) optimizes communications on the set of The Expanse with Riedel Bolero17 mayo 2021 [+] The crew of Amazon Prime Video’s The Expanse series, coordinated by cinematographer Jeremy Benning CSC, uses Riedel’s Bolero to enhance coordination on set. Previously, ...
Disney+ chooses Amazon Web Services for global expansion29 abril 2021 [+] The Walt Disney Company is leveraging Amazon Web Services (AWS) for the global rollout of Disney+, one of the largest online streaming video services ...