
Lewis Capaldi - ATEM Constellation - Blackmagic

Scottish singer-songwriter Lewis Capaldi twice filled The 02 Pavilion in London using Blackmagic Design’s ATEM Constellation 8K mixer to deliver visual content to his concerts.

Lewis Capaldi - ATEM Constellation - Blackmagic 2The Lewis Capaldi concerts were based on an extraordinarily complex stage concept, which included a segment in which Capaldi sat at a piano on a huge LED screen. “An incredibly ambitious setup for just two nights,” says Rhodri Shaw, director of supplier 4Wall Europe.

For the production of the show, the company had eight cameras, including two PTZ cameras and a Blackmagic Micro Studio Camera 4K attached to the piano. All signals were captured in 1080 50p and then distributed from the ATEM Constellation 8K mixer, where the main signal was mixed and transmitted to multiple servers. The Blackmagic solution is notable for its versatility and capacity, with 40 12G SDI inputs and 24 12G SDI auxiliary outputs.

Lewis Capaldi - ATEM Constellation - Blackmagic 2Attendees at The 02 in London were able to view content on a 153 square metre three-sided cube LED screen mounted to a Kinesys system, as well as on two other screens. These included an ROE Vanish V8S unit with 62% transparency which, on several occasions, was positioned in front of the band.

Shaw elaborates on more of Capaldi’s visual concept: “We had one camera at FOH, another in the audience on box lenses and one on a remote track and dolly system. There was a further camera on a Towercam behind the drums and another on a pedestal, stage right. When you added in the LED walls, it became an ambitious job for a two night gig. We had a week of production rehearsals beforehand, but the team started rigging at four in the morning to ensure everything went smoothly for the show itself.”

“The O2 is one of the few arenas with the scale to do this kind of arrangement justice, and it all looked absolutely spot on. Despite the complexity of the rig, everything worked flawlessly, and we couldn’t be more pleased with the work,” concludes Shaw.

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Около • 20 Oct, 2022
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