RED expands its DSMC3 camera system with the V-Raptor XL 8K VV
The new V-Raptor XL, which leverages the V-Raptor 8K VV + 6K S3 multi-format sensor but places it in an XL camera body, is the latest addition to the RED DSMC3 camera system.
The V-Raptor XL incorporates the 8K multi-format sensor housed within the compact and modular V-Raptor body, allowing filmmakers to shoot in 8K wide format, in S35 6K, and even capture up to 600 fps at 2K. The sensor boasts the “highest dynamic range on record”, twice as fast scan time and “cleanest” shadow performance of any RED camera.
The RED new system continues to feature RED’s proprietary Redcode RAW codec, which allows cinematographers to capture in 16-bit RAW and take advantage of the RED latest IPP2 workflow and colour management. Like the RED Komodo 6K system and the standard V-Raptor system, V-Raptor XL will continue to use the updated and simplified Redcode RAW settings (HQ, MQ and LQ) to enhance the user experience with simplified format options optimised for various scenarios and shooting needs.
Other key features of the RED latest solution include intelligent focusing options; three-stage cooling system; continuous wireless remote control; 2-7 stop internal electronic ND system with precision control of 1/3 or 1/4 stop increments; dual power options with 14V and 26V battery compatibility; interchangeable lens mount; wireless timecode; genlock and camera control for remote and virtual production set-up. The V-Raptor XL model also incorporates a fully rugged and integrated professional I/O matrix with front 3G-SDI, 2-pin 12V and 3-pin 24V auxiliary power outputs, and a GIG-E connector for camera control and PTP sync.
Zack Synder and V-Raptor XL
Director Zack Snyder, who is currently shooting his latest film with the V-Raptor sensor, got a sneak peek at the new XL system. In his own words: “The V-RAPTOR XL has everything we need,” notes Snyder. “We already knew the V-RAPTOR sensor produces great images, but with the added features that come with the XL, we’re even more excited. The internal ND system has an amazing benefit to our production methodology. We’re shooting wide open all the time, so that is just vital. The XL is an amazing studio camera. With technology like this, there are no excuses left, now it’s on you.”
Jarred Land, president of RED, is proud of the new V-Raptor, which he describes as “one of the most innovative cameras we’ve launched”. “The XL builds off our mighty V-RAPTOR and adds more outputs, additional power flexibility and an incredible internal ND system. The entire RED team is so proud of the advancements this brings to cinematographers, and we can’t wait to see what they create,” he concludes.
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