
Canal UHD Spain - Carnavales

The Bbright Multi-TS compressed video playout server, marketed by Сапец, is used by Селлнекс to broadcast its two UHD channels available via DTT.

Since the beginning of the year, Селлнекс has been broadcasting two UHD channels (one HDR and one SDR) from the UHD Испания association using the Multi-TS playout server from the French company Bbright, represented in Spain by Сапец.

Multi TS is a 1 RU unit capable of playing out up to 50 channels simultaneously. It has a playout manager for programming the broadcasting of TS format content with MPEG-2/H.264 and HEVC compressions with resolutions from SD to 8K. In addition, it allows the content to be broadcast to be stored internally on the server or externally on a NAS, being reproduced in any case with seamless transitions between the broadcasted content.

The 4K content of these two channels generated by Cellnex is provided by broadcasters and production companies associated with UHD Spain. These assets have been encoded by Sapec, which provided the files that are currently being broadcast.

Селлнекс и Сапец are two of the 30 founding members of the UHD Испания organisation, created with the aim of bringing together all the companies in the Spanish 4K HDR audiovisual industry to work together to advance and reach consensus on the implementation of Ultra High Definition in Spain. Currently, its DTT broadcasts can be seen in more than 40 Spanish cities, reaching 50% of the Spanish population.

Cellnex - BBright - Sapec UHD workflow

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