
Instalaciones Univista TV - AEQ

OM Solutions has led the integration of the new internet channel Univista TV. AEQ plays a key role in the installation with its intercom and on-air call entry equipment.

Instalaciones Univista TV - AEQ - IntercomThe equipment chosen for Univista TV, whose headquarters is located in Hialeah, Florida (USA), has been fully digital and IP, both in video and audio. OM Solutions has installed, among others, equipment such as digital mixers For-A Hanabi, live production switcher Carbonite Black Ross Video, audio mixer with AoIP connectivity Dante Allen & Heath SQ7 or audio monitors Ямаха Аудио.

The intercom system of choice was a 72-port AEQ CrossNet with twelve TP 8116 rack panels for the production control, production, video, audio and graphics gallery workstations, as well as four TP 8416 desktop panels for management and spotters. The entire system is integrated into the chain’s AoIP flow and allows signals to be exchanged between the various contribution, production, intercom and coordination systems. In particular, the audio present in the AEQ Crossnet intercom matrix, coming from its ports and panels, can be exchanged via Dante IP with that of the Allen & Heat SQ7 audio console, and taken to broadcast if required.

Instalaciones Univista TV - AEQ - 2

Beltpacks and talk-show system

For technicians and personnel on the move, on set and in other areas, AEQ’s new Xplorer beltpacks were chosen, with WiFi technology and an autonomy of up to 20 hours.

On the other hand, to be able to count on the interactivity of the audience and also to be able to take the coordination outdoors, an AEQ Systel IP16 talk-show and multi-conference system with connectivity to multi-channel AoIP networks was installed. For call control and live coordination, the installation was completed with 3 AEQ SystelSet+. This system is connected to Univista TV’s corporate switchboard, which allows interconnection with all areas of the channel, both technical and administrative.

The entire project, including installation, configuration, commissioning and training has been led by OM Solutions’ technical team, in collaboration with AEQ’s Commercial Manager for special markets, Peter Howarth, and AEQ’s central technical services in Madrid, who worked remotely to complete the project execution.

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Около • 24 Jun, 2021
•Секция: Аудио
Панорама Аудиовизуальный
Обзор конфиденциальности

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