
Telestream IQ - Usuario

Телестрим has announced enhancements to the IQ family of monitoring products and systems to respond to new demands from content owners, aggregators, CDN operators and subscription service providers.

These enhancements provide users with greater visibility, reporting and analytics within VOD networks. They allow users to drill down for additional performance, availability and validation testing of live and on-demand offerings, providing more granular ways to find and fix potential broadcast errors.

For live applications, the latest enhancements include expanded codec monitoring, including support for the HEVC 4:2:2 profile; fast pixel analysis of I-frames prior to compression; or, should more detailed analysis be required, a feature that allows I-, B- and P-frames to be analyzed by clicking on the MOS Level 2 option without interrupting hundreds of other sources that may be running simultaneously.

Comprehensive analysis

Telestream’s IQ VOD monitoring solution provides speed-centric analysis for content accessibility, ABR packaging, and quick audio and video checks, with results available in a single report. Long-term analysis and diagnostic reports are also available.

The solution has been designed to be able to validate large libraries of VOD content, keeping pace with new content as it becomes available, whether daily, weekly or monthly. Post-compression, spatial and other issues can be analyzed and resolved prior to moving content, where jitter, buffering, timing and other factors can still be monitored and diagnosed.

Accelerating direct-to-consumer

Matthew Driscoll, director of product management at Телестрим, sees the announcement of the WarnerMedia и Discovery merger as key, as it “accelerates direct-to-consumer product plans. This, in his own words, generates that “media giants” are creating “deep content libraries and establishing their brands across their programming categories.”

“The volume of content and the complex distribution networks needed to reach consumers drive the need for new tools. Tools that can help operators in this massive transition and ensure a high quality user experience in a tremendously competitive landscape. Market and technology changes like these are the driving force behind this VOD and live monitoring initiative at Telestream,” concluded Driscoll.

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К • 17 Jun, 2021
• Раздел: Автоматизация, Проблема