
Zixi como un servicio - ZaaS

ZaaS (“Цзыси as a Service”) is the new business model of the live video ingest and distribution platform over IP.

Aimed at customers who want to provide services without the usual industry infrastructures, ZaaS enables the deployment of IP transport workflows with all the usual Zixi functionalities. This service will enable companies to scale their existing on-premise infrastructures and capabilities to the cloud, providing broadcast-quality video.

In parallel, the system, through the Zen Master control panel, enables companies to closely monitor the service to provision, orchestrate, manage and monitor complex workflows.

Robust workflow

ZaaS supports a fully redundant video pipeline, protecting against “all failure scenarios” by employing Zixi’s Hitless Failover solution, which provides redundant transmission options. Similarly, Zixi’s centers are deployed in geographically diverse data centers. In addition, on both the sending and receiving sides, Zixi software is connected to independent ISPs.

Zixi’s new solution also enables enterprises to easily push or pull live or live linear video into the cloud. Beyond the Цзыси protocol for delivery, users will be able to choose from RIST, RTP+FEC, HLS, CMAF, HLS, DASH, SRT or RTMP.

Uri Ayni, co-founder and CTO of Zixi, says about the launch of ZaaS: “ZaaS gives content owners efficiencies to easily syndicate and deliver their live linear content to multiple affiliates and gives providers a seamless way to acquire that content from anywhere in the world. This flexible offering also lets service providers operate a fully managed content exchange platform for live linear video between content owners and consumers.”

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Около • 10 Jun, 2021
•Секция: Эмиссия, Протокол IP