
InfintySet 3, the latest version of Brainstorm’s award winning virtual studio application, once again is expected to be the star of the show. Also on display will be the all new VisualMedia social media application as well as new broadcast graphics management solutions.

Infinityset 3

Brainstorm will be exhibiting at IBC 2017 and showcasing the latest versions of its renowned product line of virtual sets and motion graphics solutions. Also, for the first time in Europe, the company will be introducing VisualMedia, a 3D real-time graphics visualization product based on social media feeds, as well as new graphics management solutions.

At IBC 2017 InfinitySet 3 will make its European debut, and will be deliverable shortly after the show. The game changer in the InfinitySet 3 is that it includes a number of advanced graphics features as it now incorporates the Aston graphics creation toolset so it can edit, manage and create high-end 2D and 3D motion graphics with total control, speed and ease-of-use.

InfinitySet 3, along with advanced rendering features such as PBR and HDR, also supports the Unreal gaming engine, which can be combined with the Brainstorm eStudio engine to create state-of-the-art output with amazing results and endless possibilities. This Combined Render Engine feature simplifies setup as it does not require additional hardware such as studio mixers, and can be easily integrated into any broadcaster’s existing installation.

InfinitySet 3 will also show the new Augmented Reality features which were acclaimed at NAB, such as the VirtualGate capability which integrates the presenter not only in the virtual set but also inside additional content within it, and VideoCAVE, a Mixed Reality application using monitors in a real set performing as a CAVE multiple window. Also, thanks to the TrackFree™ technology and its TeleTransporter feature, InfinitySet 3 can interchangeably use real, live input or pre-recorded footage as the background environment for the chroma-keyed talent. This functionality permits a talent to become a virtual traveller and be tele-transported to any remote location at any time, while seamlessly interacting with real and virtual elements thanks to the unique 3D Presenter feature, which transforms the talent into a full 3D object.


VisualMedia, a joint solution to provide real-time 3D graphics visualization based on social media feeds and second screen data created by Brainstorm and, allows for real-time representation of structured social media information by means of data-driven 3D motion graphics. VisualMedia is one of the results of both companies’ partnership in ‘Project VisualMedia’ developed from the Europe 2020 Horizon platform and will be shown in its final configuration prior to its commercial in debut in January 2018.

Infinityset 3

Template-based solutions

At IBC 2017 Brainstorm will release SmartSet, a template-based playout solution designed for small and local TV stations, and which provides advanced Virtual Set and Augmented Reality applications without the need to create the sets themselves. Brainstorm’s template solutions play out content to air which has been created by using pre-defined or purpose-built templates designed on Brainstorm applications. Depending on the complexity, sophistication and flexibility of the template, this in turn dictates how ‘smart’ the set can be.

Broadcast Graphics Management

Brainstorm will introduce a new integrated, MOS-based template-based system that allows for complex graphics integration not only in the newsroom but also in most of the common broadcast workflows, transcending the newsroom to support continuity and broadcast traffic as well. This solution builds on the experience gained with BrainNews which is the company’s graphics for news application, and now transcends the newsroom to become a sophisticated, MOS-compatible on-air graphics control system that enables the integration of Brainstorm’s powerful real-time, high-quality 3D graphics engine into the broadcast workflow without the need for continuous input from designers.

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Около • 18 Aug, 2017
•Секция: Графика

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