
NewTek - Flex Control Panel

A first for any NewTek control panel, Flex offers direct access to video mixing, audio mixing, PTZ control, audio I/O, and talkback

With Flex, operators can now take direct control of PTZ devices, audio connections, audio and video mixing, and talkback – all connected with NDI.

No other NewTek control panel offers audio and video mixing, PTZ Control and talkback – in one unit. With these controls built directly into the panel, it significantly reduces the margin for error.

The innovative features built into Flex offers operators greater precision and control than any other control panel available. With the addition of audio I/O, Flex instantly expands the on-board I/O of any TriCaster with the option to add external sources directly to the NDI ecosystem.

For years operators have been physically tethered to video switchers with fixed cable runs, and complex set-ups without the ability to change location. Flex is the only NewTek control panel to simply connect to a network with NDI and have control of any video switcher on that network, giving operators the ultimate in production freedom.

“Over the course of the last several years, the demand for high quality distributed production has grown beyond measure. We recognize the need for operators to be able to adapt to any workflow and the Flex does just that – all with the power of NDI. Offering greater control and connectivity than ever before, it’s our most flexible and powerful control panel yet,” comments Chris McLendon, Senior Product Manager, NewTek.

Not only can the panel connect to any switcher on a network by using NDI, Flex also offers operators all they need for distributed productions by working with all current TriCaster models; mastering control of a TriCaster 2 Elite as easily as it can a TriCaster Mini X and as at home in the studio or on the road, Flex scales with any production.

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Por • 1 Fev, 2023
•Seção: Eu sou estudante
Panorama Audiovisual
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