
Genelec - Sound Rush

The duo Sound Rush, known for their role in the hardstyle music scene, have decided to renovate their home studio with a professional monitoring system from Genelec.

Two years ago, the brothers built two houses on the same street, one of them with a custom-built home studio. To build this space, Sound Rush decided to rely on leading studio designer Jan Morel, who promised to create “the best studio” for hardstyle.

Genelec - Sound RushWhen it came to choosing monitors for the installation, it was clear to both Morel and Sound Rush that Genelec equipment would suit their needs. Specifically, the studio designer decided on the 1238 three-way intelligent active monitors, combined with two 7380 subwoofers and compact 8040 two-way models, to create a full-range monitoring system with high SPL and low-frequency control: “I had never installed the 1238s before, but everything turned out so well. Now the guys have this powerful, high-quality sound coming from a whole new environment. There’s something about having this kind of set up for them at home – they’re completely in love with it,” says Morel.

The monitoring system was matched to the room using GLM calibration software, says the studio designer: “I use GLM as a tool. The automatic calibration setting from GLM is the starting point, and then I talk with the client to see what they want, because each client tends to have different personal listening preferences. With GLM I can go back and adjust things by hand to make sure the room sounds right for their needs.”

As with all home studio installations, bass control is crucial. To address this latter challenge, Sound Rush has applied low-frequency absorbers to all the walls of the small studio space, which has significantly improved the listening environment, decreased reverberation and contributed to the overall wow factor of the studio design.

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Por • 24 Nov, 2022
•Seção: Áudio