
Atlantis Studios - The Ones - Genelec- Dolby Atmos

Genelec The Ones intelligent active monitors have marked the leap into Dolby Atmos mixing at Atlantis Studios in Stockholm.

Decades-old Atlantis Studio decided to integrate its first 7.1.4 system a few months ago. Their mixing engineer, Stefan Boman, had identified the trend that was dominating the industry and didn’t want to be left behind. Having identified Atmos as the standard, Boman and the engineering team that Atlantis relied on decided to choose the Genelec The Ones family of three-way coaxial point source monitors. Specifically, the 8351s for the L-C-R positions, the 8341s for the surrounds and the 8331s for the ceiling channels, all complemented by a 7370 subwoofer.

Atlantis Studios - The Ones - Genelec- Dolby AtmosFor Boman, the decision was as simple as it was surprising: “I’ve had Genelec monitors for a long time, they fit my ears. When I first heard The Ones, I was so impressed with the definition. On most speakers you can hear it’s to the left or to the right but on these you can locate sounds with such precision – you can say things like ‘it’s 5 degrees to the left’! I was just blown away, I could really hear the pan definition. That really helps in an Atmos room.”

Once certified by Dolby, Atlantis Studio was able to work directly on an Atmos project: the remix of Roxette’s greatest hits. This was the first step, but many more have followed, as Boman comments: “I think these days around 80% of the things I do are Atmos. I wanted to be involved in Atmos early on so I didn’t have to get on board later when everyone is doing it. It turned out to be a good move. I’m happy with the results, and both artistically and financially it has been a good decision.”

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Por • 7 Set, 2022
•Seção: Áudio