Zero Density takes its first steps into the hardware world with its plug-and-play solution RE Ampere
RE Ampere, the first hardware solution from Zero Density for virtual sets and broadcast graphics, is now available.
Equipped with the Nvidia RTX A6000 GPU e ainda AMD Ryzen Threadripper Pro CPU, Zero Density’s RE Ampere is capable of handling rendering, real-time video input/output, keying and compositing. According to the manufacturer, a single unit has enough processing power to enable real-time, photorealistic Ultra HD graphics streaming at 60 fps.
RE Ampere, a plug-and-play solution, has other interesting features, such as support for Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS), which allows access to a deep learning network to optimize image creation (available to users of Zero Density’s Reality software versions 4.26 and higher); ray-tracing, to enhance the reflections of virtual elements in real time; and multi-camera processing, allowing rendering, compositing and SDI video to be generated from a single RE Ampere.
Kuban Altan, co-founder and vice president of R&D at Zero Density, explains that the solution was designed to create a unit that would fit seamlessly into Reality Engine workflows and the company’s other products: “Real-time graphics can be revolutionary, but they also come with a lot of questions. After years helping clients like Eurosport, The Weather Channel and RTL use immersive virtual graphics to tell their stories, we’ve heard one come up more than most: ‘What hardware can I use?’. With RE Ampere, broadcasters never have to wonder again. Everything they need to create high-performance real-time graphics is now in a simple plug-and-play box.”
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