
Ross Video en IBC 2019

The Amsterdam RAI, which will host IBC 2021 from 3 to 6 December, will not have the presence of Ross Video.

Through a statement, Ross has expressed its support and commitment “wholeheartedly” with fairs like IBC or NAB Show, although it says it will rejoin these events when “the time is right.” The Canadian company has justified its decision to withdraw from the Amsterdam event due to its concern about the “predicted spikes in infection rates from the Delta variant of COVID-19 towards the end of this year.”

Beyond this issue, Ross believes that at present “the international travel situation” remains “uncertain,” as well as notes that “customer appetite for a physical event in December” is “unclear at best.” Nevertheless, Ross has not closed the door on participating in the show virtually.

“While regrettable, our decision to withdraw is consistent with our position that health and safety considerations must come first, and we appreciate this view being recognized by the event organizers,” concludes Ross Video’s statement.

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Por • 23 Set, 2021
•Seção: Publicações, Negócios