Mo-Sys VP Pro is now compatible with the Sony Venice
Users of Sónia‘s Venice cameras can now use all the features of Mo-Sys VP Pro, the virtual production software from the British tracking solutions provider.
Mo-Sys VP Pro links directly to the camera software, monitoring each shot to highlight any erroneous settings. Mo-Sys development captures the file naming format that the camera uses to name media files and uses the same name for the metadata file containing the camera’s configuration data, facilitating post-production processes.
The solution is integrated with Unreal Engine and supports live or recorded virtual production workflows using green/blue screen studios or LED volumes. It provides compositors with additional lens data such as F-stop, T-stop and shutter angle, among others. Mo-Sys VP Pro is used in environments such as film, television, game cinematics and live production.
As Michael Geissler, CEO of Mo-Sys, says: ” “Virtual production is a powerful creative tool, for film as well as for television. It is a complex business, though, and smart systems that speed synchronization and set-up in post-production give a huge boost to productivity. Once more, Mo-Sys is leading the industry with intelligent, practical, integrations, whilst also supplying camera tracking solutions with the highest levels of precision and data resilience available on the market today”.
New feature
In parallel, Mo-Sys has announced Cinematic XR Focus for Mo-Sys VP Pro, a tool that allows camera operators to focus between real and virtual elements within an LED volume.
This type of focus “was previously impossible to achieve,” notes the company, but is now “easily achievable” using a Preston lens controller, Mo-Sys StarTracker and Mo-Sys VP Pro.
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