Zero Density delves into Traxis tracking system, its game changer for IBC 20232023年8月29日 [+] The new Traxis platform, a turnkey solution that aims to make high-precision tracking in virtual production “easier than ever before,” is the most significant ...
DIVA-DAG (Tokyo) redefines CG production with Zero Density’s Reality Engine21 June 2023 [+] DIVA-DAG (Digital Art Studio Roppongi), a CG production company located in the heart of Tokyo, uses Reality Engine, the real-time compositing platform developed by ...
Zero Density adds Amir Hochfeld, Raul Alba and Ralf van Vegten to its management team24 May 2023 [+] With the objectives of driving growth and improving the customer experience, Zero Density has decided to add Amir Hochfeld, Raul Abla and Ralf van ...
Ofir Benovici becomes CEO of Zero Density18 January 2023 [+] Zero Density, a company specialising in virtual production and graphics, has entered a new phase with the appointment of Ofir Benovici (formerly Vice President ...
TF1, RTBF and RTV SLO covered Qatar 2022 from virtual sets with Zero Density4 January 2023 [+] The virtual studios generated with Zero Density’s Reality Engine enabled broadcasters such as TF1, RTBF, RTV SLO, Alkass, ICE TV, Astro and Asharq News ...
KPEDU Media School implements virtual studio with Broadcast Solutions Nordic project4 November 2022 [+] KPEDU Media School in Kokkola (Finland) recently invested in a future-driven virtual studio infrastructure. The project was implemented as a turn-key solution by Broadcast ...
TFO creates the universes of its kids’ shows with Zero Density2 November 2022 [+] The technology of Zero Density enables Canadian broadcaster TFO to shape educational and cultural content for students, parents and teachers. Since its launch, TFO ...
Photorealistic augmented reality graphics in TV20 September 2022 [+] Augmented reality graphics offer myriad opportunities for the broadcast industry in terms of viewer experience, storytelling and data visualization. Ahmet Oturgan, Business Development Manager ...
Zero Density to exhibit a fully functional virtual studio at IBC 20225 September 2022 [+] Presentations of RealityHub 1.4 and Reality 5, demos from a virtual studio and keynotes are the three main pillars of Zero Density at IBC ...
Broadcast Solutions will introduce its entire portfolio of solutions from the largest outdoor stand at IBC29 August 2022 [+] From an indoor and a large outdoor stand, Broadcast Solutions will use IBC 2022 to present its latest developments and projects. The show, which ...
Zero Density launches its Certified Technical Support Partner (CTSP) program17 August 2022 [+] The new Zero Density Certified Technical Support Partner (CTSP) program which will ensure broadcasters around the globe have the local support from experts that ...
Zero Density Reality brings virtual set of the Nissan latest showcase to life5 January 2022 [+] Production studio DreamWall used Reality by Zero Density to manage the virtual and augmented reality for the unveiling of the new Nissan ARIYA. DreamWall, ...
Zero Density enables automation of virtual studios remotely via RealityHub 1.27 December 2021 [+] RealityHub by Zero Density is updated to version 1.2, which provides new control capabilities for virtual environments via a web browser. RealityHub 1.2, defined ...
Zero Density takes its first steps into the hardware world with its plug-and-play solution RE Ampere13 October 2021 [+] RE Ampere, the first hardware solution from Zero Density for virtual sets and broadcast graphics, is now available. Equipped with the Nvidia RTX A6000 ...