Globo Tvは、Grass Valley AMPPの最新のAMPP IPおよびSaaSテクノロジーを使用して「Big Brother」を制作しています10 April 2024 [+] Globo Tv’s Rio de Janeiro facility has introduced a state-of-the-art IP video production setup from Grass Valley, significantly upgrading the studio that houses the ...
Clear-Comは、新しいGen-IC Cloudインターホンの発売により、仮想技術に移行します2024年2月2日 [+] In a strategic move towards virtual technology, Clear-Com introduces the Gen-IC Cloud Intercom system, a secure and flexible virtual intercom solution that allows users ...
Globo、TVU Networksと主要イベントカバレッジでの5Gの使用をテスト2023年3月9日 [+] TVU Networks’ TVU One mobile transmitters were part of the 5G workflow that Brazil’s Globo TV deployed for coverage of the presidential inauguration in ...