Reality Check designs graphics for new ESPN Netherlands with Ross Video solutions
Fox Sports has been transformed into ESPN Netherlands by revamping its entire graphics by Reality Check Solutions (RCS) and Ross Video.
Reality Check Solutions (RCS) is a graphics and control solutions provider specializing in live data integration for sports, news and entertainment content productions. Late last summer, its EMEA team was approached by Fox Sports in the Netherlands to assist with a rebranding project (to Disney-owned ESPN Netherlands) and to upgrade the graphics packages used for all soccer content. RCS, at the recommendation of ESPN Netherlands itself, decided to rely on the Ross Video XPression graphics solutions platform.
RCS provided a total of nine XPression BlueBox Engines to provide live match graphics across the Eredivisie and Keuken Kampioen Divisie (the two main divisions of Dutch soccer) as part of a complete remote production workflow consisting of a bespoke control application, cloud-based data management and real-time graphics delivery. XPression Desktop Preview Server is also being used to provide a preview to operators working in the central graphics core at EndemolShine’s production facility. David Peacock, RCS senior project manager for EMEA, is thoroughly satisfied with the project. He also highlights the support received from Ross, describing it as “exceptional”: “Of course, there have been challenges in moving such a complex project to a new platform (we had to handle training and commissioning 100% remotely, for example) but the help and advice we received from the Ross team were outstanding!”
Jinnie Tania, technical lead for the rebranding project at ESPN Netherlands, also shares Peacock’s enthusiasm: “If I could sum up the positives of working with Ross on this project in three words, they would be ‘support, support and support’. We know that XPression is an increasingly popular platform (it has some distinct advantages over other options in terms of price point and ease of use) but it’s the attitude of the Ross team that really makes a difference. I have every confidence in the product and would have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Ross to other customers.”
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