‘Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power’, colorized in the cloud with DaVinci Resolve Studio22 février 2023 [+] Blackmagic Design and Company 3 developed a cloud-based color grading tool, the results of which were implemented in DaVinci Resolve Studio 18, for the ...
Tedial completes AWS Foundational Technical Review for smartWork Media Integration Platform18 janvier 2023 [+] Tedial has successfully completed the AWS Foundational Technical Review (FTR) for its award-winning smartWork NoCode Media Integration platform. The AWS FTR enables companies to ...
Amazon Studios inaugurates virtual production studio powered by AWS7 décembre 2022 [+] Amazon’s new production arm, Amazon Studios Virtual Production (ASVP), has unveiled its new Stage 15 virtual production studio, which harnesses the power of AWS ...
Riedel Networks to provide connectivity services to new Dyn Media platform2 décembre 2022 [+] Dyn Media, a sports streaming platform specialising in minority sports, has decided to entrust Riedel Networks (Riedel) as a “connectivity partner”. From summer 2023, ...
Australian Football League (AFL) protects, monetises and broadcasts its content with Dalet Flex25 mai 2022 [+] Dalet Flex is at the heart of a new project to digitise and modernise the Australian Football League’s (AFL) video asset workflow. The implementation, ...
Dalet expands and enhances the cloud capabilities of AmberFin21 January 2022 [+] The Dalet AmberFin transcoding solution has recently been upgraded to include important new features in the cloud and integration with other Dalet solutions. Following ...
AWS now supports Zen Master, the Zixi live video orchestration solution9 décembre 2021 [+] AWS Cloud Digital Interface (CDI) and AWS Elemental Link are now operable with Zen Master, the Zixi live video telemetry and orchestration solution. Zen ...
Sky Germany produces the Bundesliga handball final with Vizrt in a cloud and 5G environment15 novembre 2021 [+] The Liqui Moly Handball Bundesliga final was produced in the cloud by Sky Germany with the Vizrt switching, graphics and sports analytics tools, all ...
Dalet unifies all news production processes with Dalet Pyramid29 October 2021 [+] Dalet Pyramid is the new digital-first, cloud-native platform ready to power the Dalet unified news operation. The Dalet latest solution drives end-to-end digital and ...
AWS strengthens multistream video transcoding with Amazon EC2 VT114 September 2021 [+] Amazon EC2 VT1, instances from AWS that aim to make live multi-stream video transcoding at resolutions up to 4K UHD easier and “more cost-effective”, ...
AWS introduces Elemental Link UHD, an encoder designed for cloud environments17 June 2021 [+] AWS Elemental Link UHD, the latest high-efficiency encoder from Amazon Web Services, is now available. AWS Elemental Link UHD seeks to make it “simple ...
Sinclair adopts IP and cloud processes with Imagine Communications11 juin 2021 [+] Several Imagine Communications products serve as the core of Sinclair Broadcast Group’s new IP-based operations center. The latest infrastructure of Sinclair has been built ...
Vizrt turns Live Production into a cloud-first solution10 June 2021 [+] Vizrt Live Production, the solution that brings together the Viz Vectar Plus, Engine, Trio and Mosart products, enters a new stage by betting on ...
Disney+ chooses Amazon Web Services for global expansion29 avril 2021 [+] The Walt Disney Company is leveraging Amazon Web Services (AWS) for the global rollout of Disney+, one of the largest online streaming video services ...
Grass Valley GV AMPP boosts cloud production for Electronic Arts eSports events20 April 2021 [+] Electronic Arts Competitive Gaming Entertainment (CGE), EA’s eSports division, selected Grass Valley’s GV AMPP (Agile Media Processing Platform) to enable fully distributed, remote production ...
Elemental CEO Sam Blackman dies suddenly at age 4129 August 2017 [+] A cardiac arrest suddenly ends with one of the most brilliant entrepreneurs in the broadcast and media industry. Sam Blackman, one of the more ...