
Ross Video - Rocket Surgery - Superbowl - Telly 2022

Le Vidéo de Ross production services division, Rocket Surgery, has won two Telly Awards, a prize that honors technological and creative work created for television productions.

This year, Rocket Surgery received a Silver Telly in the category of “Immersive and Mixed Media Craft – Use of Virtual Reality” for their augmented reality work on Bally’s Fight Night. This format recreated a famous street fighting video game from the 80s adding completely immersive elements. For example, the fighters integrated a series of sensors that measured the frequency and speed of the strikes.

For this project, Rocket Surgery by Ross Video created the production scoring system and data server workflow using Ross’ Tableau de bord; a power bar graph using XPression; and augmented reality graphics using the Voyageur graphics rendering solution. The project was completed with content for the LED screen located within the studio.

Ross Video - Rocket Surgery - Lucha - Telly 2022On the other hand, Rocket Surgery has won a Bronze Telly in the category of “Crafts – Use of Graphics” for the graphics created for super Bowl avec Van Wagner Productions. Ross Video defines this production for the NFL as “unique” as it used the stadium’s 360-degree infinity LED panel, which involved creating content for 80 million pixels. However, it was the augmented reality (AR) elements, created by the creative team at Ross Rocket Surgery using the company’s Voyageur graphics rendering solution, that earned recognition for this year’s Telly Award. Benefiting from Acid appareils photo, Furio robotic camera heads and the Lucide Studio control system, Voyager was the system in charge of managing the statistics provided by Statistiques de nouvelle génération to offer an expanded broadcast and loaded with possibilities.

With these two recent accolades, Ross Video and its clients have earned 28 Tellys since 2020.

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Pour • 21 Jun, 2022
• Section: Graphique, Entreprise