
Nvidia Broadcast Eye Contact

Nvidia Broadcast, the solution for livestreaming Nvidia, is updated with two interesting effects, Eye Contact and Vignette, and introduces drastic improvements to Virtual Background.

The new effect Eye Contact is capable, thanks to the Artificial intelligence, to move the speaker's eyes to simulate eye contact with the camera, which is achieved by estimating and aligning the gaze. The eyes retain their natural color and blink, and there's even a shut-off feature in case you look too far away, to smoothly transition between simulated and real eyes.

Eye Contact is ideal for content creators who want to record themselves reading their notes or a script (without the need for a teleprompter), or avoid having to look directly at the camera.

As to Vignette, is an effect that Nvidia Broadcast now integrates, similar to those seen in applications like Instagram. Allows you to create a subtle background blur effect to obtain an AI-simulated bokeh effect, instantly improving visual quality.

Additionally, the Blur, Replace, and Remove Virtual Background effects have been enhanced with temporal information for better segmentation and stability, allowing the AI ​​to make better decisions. In cases where the network makes a mistake, it will not appear and the background will disappear.

Broadcast has also integrated two of the most requested functions by the community: the option of mirror camera and to make a capture webcam screen con Camera Mirroring y Selfies.

Application developers can now integrate SDK de Nvidia Broadcast (known as Maxine) in your applications, including the latest features.

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By • 24 Jan, 2023
• Section: Catchment, TV Corporate