
Brainstorm Alfalite Sono - ISE 2023

The new content production and distribution space at ISE 2023 (31 January – 3 February, Barcelona) will feature a dual presence of Brainstorm, which will showcase the possibilities of its technology alongside Alfalite and Sono.

Brainstorm and Alfalite will demonstrate the possibilities of high-end virtual production at ISE 2023. The “VP/XR Theatre” offered by both companies will showcase a unified solution that can be viewed on two Orim Alfalite LED video walls positioned at 90 degrees. The demo will feature content created with the latest version of InfinitySet, which includes features specially developed for advanced and immersive virtual XR production, including character teleportation and AR in context.

Elsewhere, Brainstorm and Sono will be presenting Edison Pro, a “comprehensive, easy-to-use and affordable” solution for creating live or online presentations and videos, which allows presenters to be embedded in 3D virtual environments, on a separate stand. With Edison Pro, “any user” can create immersive presentations based on a PPT or PDF file and add additional content such as images, sound, video and even 3D objects or animations.

Edison Pro is complemented by Edison eDesk, a solution that includes a portable chroma set and a desktop that integrates a workstation, camera and lights, making it an all-in-one solution for generating presentations. On the other hand, if the user prefers to create a realistic AR-based presentation, they can benefit from the EdisonGO app for iPad Pro.

Miguel Churruca, director of marketing and communications at Brainstorm, says the company is “delighted” to collaborate with Alfalite and Sono in the Content Production and Distribution Zone space, “demonstrating the infinite possibilities that AR/XR content creation technologies provide, not only for broadcast and film, but also for advertising, live and hybrid events, corporate presentations or education.”

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By • 24 Jan, 2023
• Section: AR / VR / XR, Events, Television, TV Corporate