
BMW iX1 - Publiespaña - Mediaset

Publiepaña has launched its first “Auto Intent” campaign, which identifies users who have visited dealerships in the last 90 days and who show interest in the automotive sector, to promote the new BMW iX1.

This exclusive segment in Spain, belonging to the broad portfolio presented throughout the year by Publiepaña, allows advertisers impact with great precision certain population groups according to their interests, behaviors, age or purchasing power, among other parameters. This selection of spectators has been made on the geobehavioral database what Beintoo, the mobile data company belonging to the Mediaset Group, obtains thanks to its location intelligence.

To achieve this segmentation, Publiespaña combined data from location intelligence and geobehavior of mobile devices to subsequently identify the CTV (Connected TV) thanks to the devices IP address that belonged to the previously determined target audience and to the implementation of a series of debugging processes. Through this method, it was possible to intercept the correct audience y maximize ad effectiveness, as it was shown to users potentially interested in the sponsored product, based on a data-driven analysis.

In this way, BMW, which has chosen the linear and connected supports from Mediaset España for its first campaign of the year on general television, it manages to impact in a much more efficient way in homes with a more predictive interest, also generating a direct effect on ROI (Return on Investment) of the campaign.

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By • 22 Dec, 2022
• Section: Business, Television