
Hollyland - Solidcom M1

Hollyland has supplied the organisers of the 2nd annual eSports China ceremony with a complete intercom system featuring the Solidcom M1 intercom.

The second annual eSports China ceremony, organised by People’s Sports of China, Optics Valley China Film E-sports Technology (Wuhan) and Wuhan Cultural Investment Development was successfully held in Wuhan City, Hubei Province. The event was attended by representatives of e-sports brands, live streaming platforms, commentators, influencers and journalists from specialised media. The event faced a number of organisational challenges, including the large size of the venue, the reception of guests and the preparation of the teleprompters. To meet these challenges, the organisers relied on the Hollyland solutions.

The Solidcom M1 (8-belt edition) full duplex wireless intercom solution, equipped with 8 beltpacks and 8 LEMO headsets, a base station and other accessories, offers a wide range of features and benefits to suit the needs of the team members. For example, for the manager responsible for directing overall planning and strategy, the Solidcom M1 sidetone function is a welcome addition. Not only does it help him to ensure that the microphone is picking up his voice, but it is also useful for adjusting the volume of his voice.

On the other hand, for the project manager who needs to send the microphones to the speakers and then inform the audio engineer of each speaker’s microphone number, Solidcom M1 allows up to 3 talk groups to be set up within the same system. In fact, a separate talkgroup can be set up for the project manager and the sound engineer “in a matter of seconds”. In addition, the Solidcom M1 allows the speakers to remain in talk mode instead of pressing the talk button before each conversation.

Hollyland - Solidcom M1A ready-to-use solution

The Hollyland system presents itself as a simple system to use and implement at any event. The beltpacks of the Solidcom M1 digital wireless intercom system are factory-paired and can be used “right out of the box”, while the two-way radios require programming and configuration for first-time use. In the event of cross-zone collaboration where beltpacks need to be added or changed, users simply connect the beltpacks to the base station via USB to Type-C cables to pair and group them.

Another key feature is that, as a full-duplex intercom system, Solidcom M1 allows both sides to receive and send data at the same time. It operates at 1.9 GHz, which has little interference with on-site wireless audio devices with which two-way radio signals can interfere.

Overall, as Hollyland herself stresses, the Solidcom M1 solution “provided the organisers with the wider coverage, better audio quality and reliable communications they were looking for. The Solidcom M1 wireless intercom system allowed the event production team to communicate easily and collaborate more effectively to make the ceremony run smoothly and successfully”.

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By • 25 Feb, 2022
• Section: Study, RF