
The Edit Company - Matrox Monarch HD

The Matrox Monarch HD streaming and recording solution has helped production company The Edit Company stream videos of DJ performances to numerous social networks.

Louis van Waversveld leads The Edit Company, a company that handles lighting, filming, recording, and live streaming of DJ events. A veteran in video production and post-production, as well as being a DJ himself, van Waversveld has been in the entertainment business for more than 30 years. After meeting Monarch HD at an IBC in Amsterdam, he decided that the unit would fit perfectly into his workflow thanks to its versatility and portability. When travel restrictions and social distancing measures related to COVID-19 began to be implemented, van Waversveld “knew that he could count on Monarch HD to maintain business continuity, and help keep Europe’s widely popular live electronic music culture alive during difficult times,” as Matrox itself stresses.

For each performance, van Waversveld and his team rent a space in a nightclub. At the venue, four to five cameras are used to capture video from different angles. Their standard setup includes a camera attached to a crane, a few fixed cameras in various locations, and a camera operated by a video professional who moves around the set. The cameras capture all angles of the event and the video and audio signals are sent to their respective mixers. Both the video and audio mixers transfer the signals to the main switcher, which outputs an HDMI stream. This HDMI video stream with embedded audio is then sent to the Monarch HD. From Monarch HD, the signal is uploaded to Restream, where it is streamed on Facebook Live, YouTube and other platforms at 1.2 Mbps.

For The Edit Company, the acquisition of the Monarch HD device has been “essential” to being able to offer high-quality live streams to DJ fans despite the scarcity of live events. According to van Waversveld, Monarch HD allows him to eliminate “annoying extra steps” when setting up a live stream, and to have more time to provide “the best video production experience to every DJ he works with.” In his own words, “the Matrox Monarch HD is incredibly intuitive and straightforward. You only have to configure a streaming profile once, turn the device on, and go live – that’s it. Monarch HD makes live streaming a really simple process.”

In the future, van Waversveld plans to bring Monarch HD to some of Europe’s busiest electronic music festivals to offer live streams to fans tuning in from home.

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By • 14 Dec, 2021
• Section: Emission, Mobile TV