
Zero Density - RE Ampere - Reality Engine

RE Ampere, the first hardware solution from Zero Density for virtual sets and broadcast graphics, is now available.

Equipped with the Nvidia RTX A6000 GPU and AMD Ryzen Threadripper Pro CPU, Zero Density’s RE Ampere is capable of handling rendering, real-time video input/output, keying and compositing. According to the manufacturer, a single unit has enough processing power to enable real-time, photorealistic Ultra HD graphics streaming at 60 fps.

RE Ampere, a plug-and-play solution, has other interesting features, such as support for Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS), which allows access to a deep learning network to optimize image creation (available to users of Zero Density’s Reality software versions 4.26 and higher); ray-tracing, to enhance the reflections of virtual elements in real time; and multi-camera processing, allowing rendering, compositing and SDI video to be generated from a single RE Ampere.

Kuban Altan, co-founder and vice president of R&D at Zero Density, explains that the solution was designed to create a unit that would fit seamlessly into Reality Engine workflows and the company’s other products: “Real-time graphics can be revolutionary, but they also come with a lot of questions. After years helping clients like Eurosport, The Weather Channel and RTL use immersive virtual graphics to tell their stories, we’ve heard one come up more than most: ‘What hardware can I use?’. With RE Ampere, broadcasters never have to wonder again. Everything they need to create high-performance real-time graphics is now in a simple plug-and-play box.”

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By • 13 Oct, 2021
• Section: General