
AzamTV has equipped its Quicklink mobile encoders with LTE SIM cards for uplink from the field. The Quicklink Standard Playout Server receives the signals in the studio for broadcast.

AzamTv con Quicklink

AzamTV, a Tanzania-based direct-to-home TV subscription service, has adopted the Quicklink Mobile Encoder for live news production. AzamTV offers subscribers a wide range of entertainment, sports, movies, documentaries, children's, lifestyle, music, news, and radio programs.

For live newsgathering, AzamTV has equipped its Quicklink mobile encoders with LTE SIM cards for uplink from the field. The server Quicklink Standard Playout Server receives the signals in the studio for broadcast.

Ahmed H. Abdallah, Deputy Director of Information Technology at Azam Media has praised the simplicity and handling of the Quicklink Mobile Encoder assuring that "our goal is to use the Mobile Encoder as much as possible for the collection of live news. In fact, our news reporters never leave the office without it."

Designed for performance and portability, the Quicklink Mobile Encoder streams live video with streaming quality and low latency over IP from the most challenging network locations. In addition, it has the ability to connect multiple internet connections to improve the speed and reliability of the internet connection, which means that excellent results can be achieved from a variety of networks. The Encoder can simultaneously join up to ten connections including Wi-Fi, cellular, and LAN to create the most consistent and reliable connection possible.

AzamTV now plans to use the Mobile Encoder to cover sporting events such as football matches or marathons for its Azam Sports channel. For this type of coverage, AzamTV plans to use a fixed Ethernet connection directly from the local ISP.

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By • 29 Apr, 2019
• Section: Emission, Television, TV Production