
Lozano has been part of LaSexta, where he was head of purchasing; Paramount Channel, where he served as Director of Programming and Purchasing; and at 13 TV, where he has recently been general director.

Enrique LozanoEnrique Lozano, a professional in the Spanish audiovisual industry, has just joined as general director of the Audiovisual Communication Studies Office (GECA), a Mediapro group company specialized in television consulting.

His incorporation into the consulting firm aims to reinforce the leadership achieved by GECA in its work of advising and preparing studies both nationally and internationally in the audiovisual sector, which allows its clients to obtain the best audience results, thanks to the application of own tools such as Link TV or Teleformat.

Enrique Lozano ands a professional in the Spanish audiovisual industry to which he has been linked since 2006. He has been part of LaSexta, where he was head of purchasing; Paramount Channel, where he served as Director of Programming and Purchasing; and at 13 TV, where he has recently been General Director after taking responsibility for the External Production and New Projects area.

Graduated in Audiovisual Communication from the Rey Juan Carlos University, Lozano has combined the development of his professional career with teaching at the School of Cinematography and Audiovisual of the Community of Madrid (ECAM) as director of the Master of Audiovisual Distribution.

Gabinete de Estudios de la Comunicación Audiovisual (GECA) was founded in 1993 and since then has carried out television consulting work both in America and Europe. It provides its services to Spanish and foreign operators and producers in the areas of Programming, marketing and audiences, content and formats, among others.

During its 25 years of history, GECA has worked with the main companies in the audiovisual sector through comprehensive and personalized consulting projects, applying its own methodologies and exclusive information and analysis tools, such as Link TV (audiences) and Teleformat (formats).

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By • 14 Nov, 2018
• Section: Business, Television