
The main pay television operator in France, Canal+, launches its premium offer in Ultra HD (UHD) using the Astra satellite at 19.2 degrees East.

Canal+ UHD on Astra

Canal+ Group, the main pay television operator in France, launched its premium offer this Thursday Canal+ in Ultra HD (UHD) using satellite SES Astra at 19.2 degrees East.

With its current satellite dish, all French subscribers to the Canal+ satellite service will be able to enjoy a wide range of top-level Ultra HD content, including movies, series, original productions and sports, thanks to a new UHD satellite receiver, called The decoder. This decoder, which is equipped with eight satellite tuners and integrated Wi-Fi, also offers multiple functionalities, as well as a new television experience, because it facilitates video consumption on different devices and rooms in the home.

As Frank Cadoret, executive vice president of distribution at Canal+, explained, “we are very proud of the partnership with SES to bring UHD to 100% of French homes. Our new receiver is the most advanced on the DTH market with ultra-fast channel tuning and innovative user experience. Thanks to our premium content, mainly composed of sports and self-produced series, we intend to strengthen the loyalty of our customers via satellite and increase the number of subscribers.”

For his part, Ferdinand Kayser, commercial director of SES Video, stated that “the Canal+ group is a basic long-term ally for SES and the SES Video team is proud to advance together with our client on the path to UHD. The commercial launch of this premium Ultra HD channel is a fundamental achievement for the development of the Ultra HD mass market in France. We are delighted that French satellite pay TV subscribers can enjoy the best television experience, both in terms of image quality and functionality. With satellite positioned at the center of its distribution strategy, Canal+ Group demonstrates that the role of our platform is fundamental for linear television distribution, offering the highest performance to spread the highest quality Ultra HD throughout the territory.”

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By • 19 Jan, 2018
• Section: Satellite, Television, UHD TV