
From 20 to 27 January at the Sala Berlanga, SGAE and the Acadèmia del Cinema Català offer a selection of the films nominated in the IX edition of the awards.

The SGAE Foundation and the Academy of Catalan Cinema have organised the Gaudí Awards 2017 series, which will take place at the Sala Berlanga in Madrid from this Friday, 20 January, until 27 January. The festival, which is in its second edition, offers a wide selection of the finalist titles in the ninth edition of the Acadèmia del Cinema Català awards that recognise the best Catalan film productions of the year.

The series aims to bring the public a selection of the latest audiovisual works by the Catalan firm candidates for the IX edition of the Gaudí Awards, whose ceremony will be held on January 29 at the Auditori del Fòrum – CCIB in Barcelona, presented by the actor and musician Bruno Oro and directed by the filmmaker, set designer and theater director Lluís Danés.

Specifically, Gaudí Awards 2017 will offer: Les amigues de l'Agata (Agatha's friends) by Alba Cros, Laia Alabart, Laura Rius and Marta Verheyen; The Propera Pell (The Next Skin) by Isa Campo and Isaki Lacuesta; The King Borni (The One-Eyed King) by Marc Crehuet; Ozzy by Alberto Rodríguez and Nacho La Casa; The death of Louis XIV (The death of Louis XIV) by Albert Serra; 100 meters Marcel Barrena; The Chosen (The chosen one) by Antonio Chavarrías; Tots els camins de Déu (All God's Ways) by Gemma Ferraté; A Monster Calls (A monster comes to see me) by Juan Antonio Bayona; Mayor (Mayor) by Pau Faus; Bigas x Bigas by Bigas Luna (editing by Santiago Garrido) and Priorat by David Fernández de Castro. Some of them will be screened in their original version with Spanish subtitles.

The festival features feature films in competition by veteran filmmakers who have achieved success at the box office such as Juan Antonio Bayona (A Monster Calls) and at the same time offers space for lesser-known titles such as the debut feature by Alba Cros, Laia Alabart, Laura Rius and Marta Verheyen (Les amigues de l'Agata – Ágata's friends). Documentary cinema is once again present in this cycle with a very attractive offer: Pau Faus (Mayor – Mayor) it investigates access to power; Santiago Garrido (Bigas x Bigas) builds a biopic about the late filmmaker Bigas Luna, and David Fernández de Castro (Priorat), which tells the story of wine culture as a landscape with a millennium of tradition.

The cycle also hosts a space for drama and reflection with the story of Isa Campo and Isaki Lacuesta (La propera pell – The next skin) on the mystery of identity, with the tragic exploration of personal relationships by Marc Crehuet (El rei borni – The one-eyed king) and with the conflict of the resignation offered by Gemma Ferraté (Tots els camins de Déu – All the ways of God). For his part, Marcel Barrena (100 meters) offers a comedy about a sick man with a sporting challenge to transcend his physical decay and the historical thriller is manifested with the narration of Antonio Chavarrías (The Chosen). Finally, the most personal cinema finds its expression in Albert Serra's piece (The Death of Louis XIV – The Death of Louis XIV) while Alberto Rodríguez and Nacho La Casa (Ozzy) bring their vision of the animation genre.

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By • 18 Jan, 2017
• Section: Cine