
According to a survey by The New York Times, 34% of young people born after 1980 admit to consuming only online content.

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The new generations are increasingly familiar with new forms of audiovisual consumption to the detriment of conventional cable, satellite or terrestrial television broadcasting. According to a survey by The New York Times, 34% of young people born after 1980 admit to consuming only online content.

The survey of more than 4,000 users in the US also concluded that news sites are more popular than sports for online viewers.

Users also admit to spending more time with funny videos, movie trailers, music videos, and informative pieces.

When it comes to choosing between reading the news or watching a news video, 50 percent say they prefer audiovisual support.

59 percent of respondents say they would probably watch pre-roll ads if they knew they wouldn't have to wait long to access the chosen content.

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By • 14 Oct, 2013
• Section: IP, Business