
Riedel - Red Bull - Rugby

A fully integrated communication solution from Riedel will be delivered to an international rugby team by Red Bull UK.

Riedel - Red Bull - RugbyAt the heart of the solution designed for the rugby team is the Riedel Artist intercom mainframe. This decentralised and scalable solution allows flexible placement of nodes to reduce cabling and configuration costs, while improving system reliability with a dual-ring fibre optic network topology that provides full redundancy. In addition, with its unified audio recording and mixing capabilities, the matrix allows the team to integrate referee communications into its strategic decision workflow, while recording in-game communications for post-game coaching.

Riedel - Red Bull - RugbyDas Artist platform integrates with the team’s Bolero und Bolero S wireless intercom systems, consisting of five antennas und 30 wireless beltpacks, with high-performance Red Bull-branded MAX headsets and 20 RUN in-ear headsets offering optimal audio quality. The duplex, multi-channel communication offered by the Bolero systems allows for a flexible configuration, enabling the system to be used both in training and at matches. For ease of use, the coach of the team for which Red Bull UK has provided the communication solution relies on the RSP-1232HL SmartPanel from Riedel. With the panel, he can easily identify each staff member, which facilitates individual communication with other coaches, the substitutes’ bench, the medical team, etc. From the Riedel Remote Operations Centre (ROC) in Wuppertal, Germany, the company’s operators remotely control, configure and calibrate all system components in real time, ensuring maximum safety and optimum sound quality.

Nacho Lee, Riedel’s UK sales manager, recalls that the Rugby team required higher quality audio for their day-to-day operations. Similarly, the solution had to be capable of differentiated tactical channels for different members of staff, and it had to be stable and simple to set up, support and maintain the system. Paul Rivens, managing director of Riedel in the UK, believes that this solution meets all the needs the rugby team had and confirms that it will be used extensively over the next year: “This fully integrated solution will be used in every upcoming match and practice until the 2023 Rugby World Cup season, and possibly beyond. It has already been deployed successfully in the Six Nations Championship and we can’t wait to see it take the pitch in other major events like the upcoming three-match Test series in Australia.”

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Bis • 3 Oct, 2022
•Abschnitt: Audio