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Avid Media Composer - Integración Pro Tools - Actualización UI

The latest release of Avid’s Media Composer software (2.9.23) includes significant enhancements to streamline audio and video workflows through tighter integration with Pro Tools.

With this update, Avid Media Composer is now able to export sequences directly to Pro Tools, combining video, audio and metadata into a .PTX export file. This new capability enables teams to complete projects faster, while accelerating the creation and delivery of content for post-production workflows. Avid noted that this is just the first step in delivering collaborative workflows between Media Composer and Pro Tools, a critical need identified during several meetings the company has held with its customers.

Avid Media Composer - Integración Pro Tools - Actualización UIThe new version of Media Composer brings other enhancements, including the ability to record and monitor multi-channel sequences with 7.1 surround sound; “full” support for Avid’s MBOX Studio audio interface, allowing “every sonic nuance” to be captured with low-latency monitoring; improved media management by simplifying the media relink workflow and improving performance; and a simplified user interface that allows projects to be created from the editor’s media “with a single click”. Similarly, Avid has improved the remote editing experience by advancing the integration of the Media Composer | Enterprise editing tool and the Avid NEXIS | EDGE solution. This has resulted in the improved creation of proxy workflows, which allow editors to switch between high-resolution and proxy content with a single click.

The latest update to Avid Media Composer comes complete with Media Composer’s new Multiplex IO feature, which gives users the ability to have up to 10 I/O plug-ins active simultaneously. This allows output from Media Composer to multiple platforms and streaming devices via SRT (Secure Reliable Transport), NDI and any connected and supported I/O hardware, enabling local monitoring while streaming to remote viewers.

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ب • 10 Feb, 2023
•قسم: صوتي, بوست برو