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Avid MediaCentral Acquire

The MediaCentral Acquire ingest scheduler is the cornerstone of the latest متعطشا MediaCentral software upgrade.

Avid MediaCentral is updated with MediaCentral Acquire, an IP-based ingest scheduler. Acquire is capable of automating ingest scheduling ل SDI and IP sources by controlling FastServe | Ingest, FastServe | I/O و MediaCentral | Stream. Similarly, MediaCentral Acquire also supports edit-while-capture workflows to streamline content delivery, while allowing ingest management from anywhere using a web browser.

Avid MediaCentral AcquireBeyond Acquire, the latest MediaCentral update gives users new production capabilities with new features, such as the ability to synchronise content across multiple sites with MediaCentral | Sync and a completely redesigned MediaCentral | Collaborate mobile app. All of this, says Avid, is intended to give production teams “greater flexibility in how they work, from story creation all the way to delivery, whether that is a rundown-based on-air show, or content for online platforms and social media.”

David Colantuoni, vice president of product management for video and media solutions at Avid, underlines the importance of ميديا ​​سنترال to the متعطشا solutions ecosystem: “Media companies face increasing competition for viewers and continued pressure to quickly and efficiently deliver more compelling content. MediaCentral is the industry’s leading platform for enterprise content creation. With every software update, we unlock new levels of creativity and operational efficiency, empowering our media enterprise customers to deliver better content to their viewers in less time than ever before.”

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بواسطة • 5 Jan, 2023
• قسم: إدارة وسائل الإعلام

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