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Seagate Lyve - EVS LiveCeption Signature

Seagate and EVS join forces with an innovative storage solution based on the Lyve mobile storage and data transfer service.

The Seagate Lyve is already part of the LiveCeption Signature live production and replay solution. As such, the EVS system will be able to transport even multi-camera content and metadata to live productions using Lyve Mobile quickly, efficiently and securely.

Melyssa Banda, vice president for Lyve Solutions at Seagate, believes it is key that M&E companies take the step to implement new data management strategies that can handle unrestricted UHD and multi-camera data volumes. In this regard, “adding Lyve Mobile to EVS live production solutions addresses evolving industry needs and empowers businesses with the latest innovative storage technologies,” she says.

On the other hand, Laurent Petit, SVP of products and solutions at EVS, comments that the Seagate Lyve Mobile service coupled with the LiveCeption Signature solution will allow “to move content securely and more efficiently”. In fact, as he stresses, “the feedback we’ve been receiving from early adopters is very promising”.

Seagate Lyve - EVS LiveCeption Signature flujo de trabajo - workflow

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ب • 2 Mar, 2022
•قسم: أنا طالب, إدارة الإعلام, تلفزيون موبايل