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LiveU Solo - NBL1

LiveU Solo and its cloud platform have enabled Australia’s NBL1 to broadcast more than 900 games live for the first time in its history.

The Australian National Basketball League is a semi-professional competition, consisting of the Southern, Northern, Central and Western Conferences, with men’s and women’s competitions, which includes 58 clubs from Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania and New South Wales. Its cloud-based remote production was powered by production services company 5streams, online production platform Cloudmix and by Pacific Live Media, the LiveU local partner that provided the Solo solution and local technical support. This deployment led to more than 733,000 NBL1 games being watched during the 2021 season. That success also carried over to social media, which has seen more than 3.36 million views of LiveU Solo-generated videos.

Dean Anglin, CEO of NBL1, tells how LiveU’s technology has helped them produce more content, “We had a dream to deliver NBL1 games from states around Australia and LiveU’s 4G bonded IP technology made it possible, enabling us to stream reliably from every venue, at any time, removing our previous single point of failure issue.” “Currently, we have 75 Solo units, and this number is set to increase to over 100 for the upcoming season,” he comments, remarking on his confidence in the LiveU device. LiveU Solo

LiveU Solo

The LiveU Solo video solution provides wireless live streaming directly from cameras or other video sources to online platforms or to a customizable web destination using the LiveU Solo cloud platform. In the NBL workflow, Solo units integrate with Canon cameras and other centralized production equipment, including graphic overlays and commercial integration. Once the signal is collected, the live feeds are streamed directly by 5Stream to Sportsradar and the NBL OTT platform, website and app, which Anglin says brings “viewing rights,” and creates “monetization opportunities, such as sponsorships.” In addition, the finals of the competition were streamed to another OTT, Kayo Sports.

Yaal Eshel, CEO of LiveU Asia, welcomes the NBL1 success story: “The NBL1 is an excellent use case, representing the potential of a full cloud-based workflows for sports productions using LiveU Solo. NBL1 has done a fantastic job streaming over 900 games and increasing the value of their brand in a very simple and cost-effective way.”

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ب • 15 Oct, 2021
•قسم: تلفزيون موبايل