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AJA - Diskover Media Edition

AJA held a press conference to unveil AJA Diskover Media Solution, a solution to globally manage, administer and monetize an organization’s data.

AJA - Nick RashbyThe event, hosted by AJA president Nick Rashby and marketing director Bryce Button started with good news. The company, despite global supply issues or remote working arising from the pandemic, has returned to profit, increased production and pushed through a significant number of new products.

AJA then turned its attention to a major challenge that will shape the future of the media industry: data management, which is growing over the years. To address this challenge, AJA has developed together with Diskover (a company in which it has acquired an important package of shares) AJA Diskover Media Edition, a tool to manage, administer, analyze and locate all types of content, regardless of its location in the broadcast infrastructure in which it is located (different local archives or clouds).

The software comes loaded with other interesting features, such as a solution to calculate in real time the value of archived assets, different tagging solutions, intelligent searches, usage analysis by users, innovative visualization tools such as a heat map and access through a web browser. AJA Diskover Media Edition is available now.

AJA Bridge Live - Royal Albert HallBridge Live… and more partnerships

AJA then spent a few minutes talking about Bridge Live, a solution for enabling workflows around remote production, two-way interviews, live event streaming, multi-camera backhaul, on-location contribution, collaborative production and more. The solution was recently upgraded to version 1.12 to add support for NDI and HLS.

Following this, AJA has introduced numerous partnerships with all types of agents. Regarding the Vizrt Group protocol, the firm confirmed that it will preview new developments and integrations of AJA solutions with NDI at the upcoming InfoComm. Similarly, Autodesk has opted to support the T-TAP Pro as a mobile output device for high-end VFX workflows of Autodesk Flame software. Finally, AJA has confirmed that Microsoft Teams will offer a new video output compatible with AJA solutions such as KONA, Io and T-TAP Pro, enabling live production and AV professionals to output high-quality SDI and HDMI audio and video streams and integrate the material into broadcast-quality live productions.

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ب • 12 Oct, 2021
•قسم: إدارة الإعلام