About us

(english version)

Panorama Audiovisual is a professional portal created in 2009 where readers can find, in Spanish, a independent information, rigorous and of the maximum current anticipating the news and the most innovative trends of the broadcast, film and new media industry.

A team of professionals with extensive experience in the world of broadcast and audiovisual, under the direction of Antonio Castillo, together with the most influential firms in the industry, we continually work to offer you the most current information, los more rigorous analysis and the more complete reports with the sole objective of helping you to always be up to date, so that you can instantly count on that transversal information that every professional needs know regardless of your area of ​​activity in this sector.

We want you to be the first to find out what is happening in this sector through this hypermedium developed exclusively in a digital environment that brings together text, large format images and video on a platform open to your participation (personalized searches, comments...) and that always aims to be close to you (newsletter, preselection of RSS channels...).

Because news is only news once... the first time!

Panorama Audiovisual



Writing (redaccion@panoramaaudiovisual.com)

  • Siro Jimenez
  • Isabel Docampo
  • Mercé Puig
  • Atitor Gueneraba's

Advertising (publicidad@panoramaaudiovisual.com)

  • Sara Monje
  • Javier Dominguez

The owner of PanoramaAudiovisual.com is
Underwood Communication S.L.U.
Ronda de Segovia, 2E 28005 Madrid (Spain)
International Standard Serial Number
International Standard Serial Number
ISSN 2444-4197

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